...and we all need company.
Hildur Guðnadóttir - Without Sinking (2009)
"I wanted to have open space for single notes and let them breath, like single clouds in a clear sky. As a contrast I also wanted create denser and heavier compositions which were more thundercloud like. I like the way clouds form, how many tiny droplets can form such dense forms and then slowly evaporate into thin string-like forms."
Uakti - I Ching (1994)
Phil Ochs - The Early Years (2000)
"In mid-1975, Ochs took on the identity of John Butler Train. He told people that Train had murdered Ochs, and that he, John Train, had replaced him. Train was convinced that somebody was trying to kill him, and he carried a weapon at all times—a hammer, a knife, or a lead pipe"
The Early Years collects recordings from 1963-1966. The files are .m4a.
Arthur Russell - Another Thought (1994)
This picture is broken this is not the actual album cover i am not going to fix it
"This was a guy who could sit down with a cello and sing with it in a way that no one on this Earth has ever done before, or will do so again." - Phillip Glass
Bad Religion - No Control (1989)