Tuesday, May 13, 2008

John Cale - Paris 1919 (1973)

John Cale - Paris 1919

Buy the album here.

(This and the previous album are sendspace links, so they may not be around for very long, if anyone wants a re-upload, leave a comment)


ander said...

most of cale's albums are like this, pretty non-noisy and non-abrasive. not to be a prick or anything.

hey dude, whats up?

- <3 andy

ander said...

took me a lil to find it, butt


this is noisy and abrasive Cale mail, add it to yr collection

leonardo said...

Gracias, Muchas gracias por este fantastico album. Te lo agradesco con toda el alma.

La Piazza Gancio said...

Thank you for sharing this--magnificent!